BIM Library

BIM Library

The BIM methodology (Building Information Modeling or Construction Information Modeling) entails a true technological revolution since it allows for the integral management of construction projects, throughout all the different stages and during the complete life cycle of the building via virtual models and with the collaboration of all the different intervening agents.

Reboca´s BIM library has over 1000 references distributed among the REPOLEN PP-R y PE-100 systems.
With a library that is constantly being developed and updated, Reboca offers you all REPOLEN products so that designers, builders and other agents involved in the construction of projects can work efficiently and collaboratively with our wide range and variety of REPOLEN products.

Our BIM library will give you access to:

  • Our different ranges of pipes and accessories used in the conduction of hot and cold water; refrigeration, civil works and compressed air installations; naval and industrial works projects; etc.
  • Develop and manage installation projects compatible with a variety of software.
  • Connect, relate and interact with other systems, processes and technical-constructive methods.

Reboca´s BIM library has over 1000 references distributed among the REPOLEN PP-R y PE-100 systems. Receive our BIM library in your email and create your own projects with our wide range and variety of REPOLEN products.

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